On behalf of Global Diagnostics – its management, medical staff, and professional staff – I welcome you. As the most integrated provider of advanced imaging in the region, our goal is to provide you with high quality service in a caring and compassionate environment. We strive to ensure your experience meets or exceeds your expectations and, because we recognise that expectations change, we will continually explore opportunities to improve upon the services we provide. Our mission is to provide our immediate community, doctors, healthcare professionals and patients,
with convenient access to high quality imaging services using the latest technology to deliver
diagnostic value. We take our responsibility to provide you and your family with quality healthcare seriously. We are truly excited about the future and the direction in which we are heading as we endeavour to remain in
the forefront of premium diagnostic imaging and health screening offerings. I invite you to share the
journey and experience the new standard in medical imaging at our centre.
Thank you for choosing Global Diagnostics.

Dr. Vikas Bansal
Managing Director
Global Diagnostics